Passion for Yummy Gourmet Puddings
The story of Pud For All Seasons, Melbourne’s home to handmade gourmet puddings, goes all the way back to the early 2000’s, a time in which stay-at-home mum Karen Kelly was discovering that she had a knack for cooking up some amazing Plum Puddings. Upon encouragement from friends and family, Karen decided to start selling them at various markets and fairs, some of which she attended while also looking after her children, who were very young at the time.
Karen’s puddings were a hit, to put it lightly. At just her second stall in 2003, Karen was cleared out within an hour and took orders for an additional 100 puddings! It was at this point that Karen realised that there was strong potential for her to turn a hobby and passion into a successful business.
Fast-forward 13 years and business is indeed thriving, supplying to distributors Australia-wide and selling direct to customers off the website. Pud For All Seasons has many stockists and regularly attends farmers markets and Christmas markets in central Victoria and Melbourne.
The brand has also featured in Choice magazine and Guide to the Good Life. Through the years, Karen has experimented with flavours and recipes, coming up with some original, tasty combinations along the way. As well as regular and Gluten-free Puddings, the business also sells Dessert Sauces and other seasonal products including chocolate coated puddings and what we call ‘Pebbles’, our yummy chocolate clusters! Today, Pud For All Seasons even sends out corporate orders printed with your company's logos on the packaging.
And the name? Here in Australia, we celebrate Christmas over the summer and we certainly eat our share of puddings during this period! However, the tradition goes back centuries to Christmas time in Europe; warm plum puddings were initially intended to be enjoyed in the winter months. The name emphasises ‘Pud For All Seasons’ this idea and reminds customers that these delectable puds are not only available all year around, but they might even be better when it’s a little chilly out. But don’t take our word for it - tuck into one of our puds and find out for yourself!

Grandma and Her Secret Recipe